Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay When Books were Burned Fahrenheit 451 - 2035 Words

The Time Books were Burned Fahrenheit 451 The novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, is a science fiction novel that introduces a world controlled by the government. Humans are not accepted in this new world. Television has replaced family. The people live the present through television. The firemen are seen as flamethrowers, the destroyers of books. The people living in this society have no reminders or memories of history or the past. In Fahrenheit 451, the society has a strict set of values and beliefs. The government has constructed its own matrix for the people in the society to abide by. It is forbidden for books to be read or seen. Books are not to be read; they are to be destroyed without a question. Since the government has†¦show more content†¦After Montag meeting Clarisse for the first time, he begins to ponder whether or not he is truly happy. Clarisse speaks to Montag about the beauties of life, the man on the moon, the early morning dew, and the enjoyment she gets from smelling and looking at things. Montag has never thought of such things before. He tells Clarisse you think too many things(9). Although the two are the exact opposite of one another, there is an attraction between the two. Montag finds Clarisses outlook on life to be rather fascinating. She has Montag reflecting on ideas about life that he has never considered before. Clarisse has sparked Montags curiosity and begins to help him recognize that there is something missing from his lifetrue happiness. Montag fears that the hound has sensed that he has seized some books. The chief of the firehouse, Captain Beatty, is also suspicious of Montag. Beatty makes a special point to visit Montag when he doesnt show for work. Beatty tells Montag books are figments of the imagination. Fire is good because it eliminates the conflicts that books can bring. Beattys visit is intended to be a warning to Montag not to allow books to seduce him. Montag has to be careful of the mechanical hound. The hound represents the governmental c ontrol in the society. It used to be that dogs were the rescuers for firemen. They had the duty of sniffing out the injured. But in this dystopia, the hound has been made into a watchdog of society. TheShow MoreRelatedRay Bradbury Once Said, â€Å"Collecting Facts Is Important.1517 Words   |  7 PagesRay Bradbury once said, â€Å"Collecting facts is important. Knowledge is important. But if you don t have an imagination to use the knowledge, civilization is nowhere† (www.brainyquote.com). This powerful quote said by the author of the novel, â€Å"Fahrenheit 451,† provides insight to the overlying problems found in the futuristic utopian society. Ray Bradbury is well known for his masterful use of words to fill his novels with theme. Do we, as readers, pick up on the many universal ideas, or themes, authorsRead MoreRay Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451934 Words   |  4 PagesWhile reading Ray Bradbury’s â€Å"Fahrenheit 451†, the events that took place with in the story caused others to unfold within a ‘domino like effect ‘, which went from a beginning to an end within the story. It is important to note not just how different situations within â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† occurred, but also what happened before the situation occurred and as well as to what happened following the situation. Coinciding with a dystopian setting, â€Å"Fahrenheit 451† goes through dynamic changes within the storyRead MoreEssay about Fahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship943 Words   |  4 PagesFahrenheit 451 as a Criticism of Censorship      Ã‚  Ã‚   Ray Bradbury criticizes the censorship of the early 1950s by displaying these same themes in a futuristic dystopia novel called Fahrenheit 451. In the early 1950s Ray Bradbury writes this novel as an extended version of The Fireman, a short story which first appears in Galaxy magazine. He tries to show the readers how terrible censorship and mindless conformity is by writing about this in his novel.    In Fahrenheit 451, BradburyRead MoreTechnology and Society in Fahrenheit 4511723 Words   |  7 PagesDo you  think  that  living in  a technical world would destroy society? Well, in Bradburys novel,  Fahrenheit 451, technology is very advanced and seems to get peoples attention. Youre not important. Youre not anything (Bradbury 163). Fahrenheit 451 is explained as a dystopian literature. Such literature portrays an imaginary world where misguided attempts to create a utopia, or a socially and politically perfect place, results in â€Å"large scale human misery. (Critique by Michael M. Levy) This quoteRead MoreEssay about Fahrenheit 451 - The Temperature at Which Books Burn957 Words   |  4 Pages Fahrenheit 451 - The Temperature at Which Books Burn nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, portrays censorship in the future through the fictional story of one man, Guy Montag, who undergoes an awakening by realizing the significance of his actions and the need to express the ideas that were bring oppressed by the future government. Guy Montag is a fireman who appears to be heartily supportive and contributive to the burningRead MoreAnalysis Of Ray Bradburys Fahrenheit 451829 Words   |  4 PagesThese were the shoes that every person had.You absolutely hated the shoes and they were too big for you, but you decided to get them because society is controlling and you knew that all of your friends would think they were cool.when you got to school you tripped in front of everyone and everybody laughed.Consequently You realized you shouldnt have let society control you.In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury thinking books were bad was just like the pair of shoes everyone thought that books were badRead MoreRay Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451976 Words   |  4 Pagesthat harped about playing with fire turned that very thing into my biggest fear. When I was younger, I had a repeating nightmare that my house would burn down in the middle of the night, and sometimes I would get stuck inside; other times I would escape and be purely mesmerized by both the danger and the beauty that the blaze held. This mesmerizing impression is brought to life in Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451. Bradbury employs many different human associations and responses to fire throughoutRead MoreFahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1661 Words   |  7 Pages1.) In the novel, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Montag’s view on life reverses. Two characters the influence the main character Guy Montag are the old lady whose house and books were burnt down and Mildred. The old lady was caught preserving books in her home. Firemen including Montag were ordered to burn the books. The old lady refu sed to leave her books, so she too was burned. She bravely gave an allusion as her last words, â€Å"Play the man,’ she said, ‘Master Ridley.’ Something, somethingRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Comparison Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesthat’s fighting for transgender rights as can be seen in the 21st century, or fighting to be considered a free man as can be seen in the 19th century. This fight can be seen throughout history books and literary classics such as Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. In Fahrenheit 451, the main character, Guy Montag is fighting against the technological revolution taking place in the 23rd century. He battles with a society full of censorship, where everyone is too caughtRead MoreEssay on Censoring the Pages of Knowledge1688 Words   |  7 Pagescould not read or own any books. How would you feel if you had someone burn your house because you have books hidden within the walls? One of the most pre valent themes in Ray Bradburys novel Fahrenheit 451 is the idea of censorship. In Bradburys fictional world, owning books is illegal. A firemans job is not putting out fires like one may assume. In Fahrenheit 451, a fireman has the job of starting fires. Firefighters start fires in homes containing books. If this were reality, there would be no

Monday, December 16, 2019

Internal Corporate Communication on Strategy Free Essays

Internal corporate communication on strategy and employee commitment International Business Communication Master’s thesis Michele Fenech 2013 Department of Communication Aalto University School of Business Powered by TCPDF (www. tcpdf. org) Internal corporate communication on strategy A CRITICAL COMPARISON OF and employee commitment EUROPEAN DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCES IN THE CONTEXT OF INTRA-COMMUNITY SUPPLIES Master? s Thesis Master’s thesis Katharina ele Fenech ? MichWeber 26. We will write a custom essay sample on Internal Corporate Communication on Strategy or any similar topic only for you Order Now 09. 2012 2013 Spring International Business International Business Communication Approved by the head of the Department of Management and International Business __. __. 20__ and awarded the grade ___________________ Approved in the Department of Communication / / 20 and awarded the grade AALTO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS International Business Communication Mater’s Thesis Mich? le Fenech e ABSTRACT 02-02-2013 Internal corporate communication on strategy and employee commitment Objectives of the study This Master’s thesis had three objectives. The ? rst objective was to examine the employees’ needs and preferences of the case company’s internal communication channels, speci? ally internal corporate communication channels that convey the company’s corporate strategy. The second was to investigate success of the internal strategy (corporate) communication by analysing the employees’ perception of their strategy knowledge. The third was to research the relation between internal strategy (corporate) communication (ISCC) and employee commitment. Methodology and theoretical framework The research method was a single-case study and the data was collected using a background study, semi-structured interviews and a survey. The qualitative data was analysed and emerging patterns were identi? d, whereas the quantitative data was statistically analysed using the R programming environment. The theoretical framework presents how internal corporate communication conveys corporate strategy messages via rich and lean media, how the channel attributes affect employee preference and choice, and how the communication and interpretation of the strategy eventually result in commitment. Findings and conclusions of the study In the case company, top-down and primarily one-way internal corporate communication conveying strategy (ISCC) met the employees’ needs better than lateral and two-way internal strategy communication. The needs were recognised to include gaining strategy knowledge, gaining ability to use the knowledge, and reducing equivocality and uncertainty. Apart from the needs, the employees’ communication channel preferences and satisfaction seemed to be affected more with the channel accessibility and information quality attributes than with the richness of the channel. Internal strategy (corporate) communication (ISCC) was successful because the employees perceived to have corporate strategy knowledge. This strategy knowledge had a strong relationship with employee commitment, especially affective commitment. The main implication of this study was the recommendation that companies invest resources in internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC), because it was preferred by the employees at the case company, it corresponded to their needs and it contributed to their affective commitment. Key words: international business communication, internal communication, internal corporate communication, strategy communication, communication channels, communication channel attributes, media richness, corporate strategy, employee commitment I AALTO-YLIOPISTON KAUPPAKORKEAKOULU Kansainv? lisen yritysviestinn? pro gradu -tutkielma a a Mich? le Fenech e Sis? inen strategiaviestint? ja ty? ntekij? iden sitoutuminen a a o o ? TIIVISTELMA 02. 02. 2013 Tutkimuksen tavoitteet T? ll? pro gradu -tutkielmalla oli kolme tavoitetta. Ensimm? inen tavoite oli tutkia ty? ntekij? iden a a a o o tarpeita ja n? kemyksi? sis? isen viestinn? n v? lineist? eritoten sellaisista sis? isen yritysviestinn? n a a a a a a a a v? lineist? , jotka v? litt? v? t yrityksen strategiaa. Toinen tavoite oli selvitt? a sis? isen strategiaa a a a a a? a viestinn? n (ISCC) onnistuminen analysoimalla ty? ntekij? iden n? kemys heid? n strategiatiedosa o o a a taan. Kolmas tavoite oli tutkia sis? isen strategiaviestinn? n (ISCC) ja ty? ntekij? iden sitoutumia a o o sen v? list? suhdetta. a a Tutkimusmenetelm? t ja teoreettinen viitekehys a Tutkimusmetodi on tapaustutkimus, ja aineisto ker? ttiin taustaselvityksell? , haastatteluilla ja a a kyselyll? . Kvalitatiivinen aineisto analysoitiin ja kategorisoitiin, kun taas kvantitatiivinen aia neisto analysoitiin tilastollisesti R-ohjelmistoymp? rist? ll? . Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys a o a n? ytt? a kuinka sis? inen yritysviestint? viestii strategiaa joko rikkaan tai niukan median kauta a? a a ta ty? ntekij? lle, kuinka v? lineiden ominaisuudet vaikuttavat ty? ntekij? iden mieltymyksiin ja o o a o o valintaan, ja kuinka viestint? ja strategian tulkitseminen lopulta johtavat ty? ntekij? iden sitoutua o o miseen. Tutkimuksen tulokset ja johtop? at? kset a? o Tapausyrityksen ty? ntekij? t pitiv? t parhaana vertikaalista ja enimm? kseen yksi-suuntaista sis? ist? o a a a a a yritysviestint? a, joka v? litti strategiaa (ISCC). Se t? ytti heid? n tarpeensa paremmin kuin hoa? a a a risontaalinen ja kaksi-suuntainen sis? inen strategiaviestint? . Tarpeiksi tunnistettiin strategiatiea a don saaminen, strategiatiedon k? tt? minen, ja moniselitteisyyden ja ep? varmuuden v? hent? minen. a a a a a Ty? ntekij? iden viestint? v? lineiden preferenssiin ja tyytyv? isyyteen n? ytti vaikuttavan enemm? n o o a a a a a v? lineiden k? ytett? vyys ja tiedon laatu kuin v? lineiden rikkaus. Sis? inen strategiaviestint? (ISCC) a a a a a a on onnistunut siin? ett? ty? ntekij? t kokevat, ett? he tiet? v? t yrityksen strategian. T? ll? stratea a o a a a a a a giatiedolla on vahva suhde ty? ntekij? iden sitoutumiseen, eritoten affektiiviseen sitoutumiseen. o o T? m? n tutkimuksen johtop? at? ksiin kuuluu, ett? yritysten pit? si investoida resursseja sis? iseen a a a? o a a a strategiaviestint? an (ISCC), sill? se on ty? ntekij? iden suosima, se vastaa heid? n tarpeisiinsa ja a? a o o a se vaikuttaa he id? n affektiiviseen sitoutumiseensa. a Avainsanat: kansainv? linen yritysviestint? , sis? inen viestint? , sis? inen yritysviestint? , stratea a a a a a giaviestint? , viestinn? n v? lineet, viestinn? n v? lineiden ominaisuudet, media rikkaus, yritys straa a a a a tegia, ty? ntekij? n sitoutuminen o a II Contents 1 Introduction 1. 1 Research objectives and questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. Terminology of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 3 Structure of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review of Literature 2. 1 Internal communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1. 1 Internal communication matrix . . . . . . 2. 1. 2 Internal corporate communication . . . . 2. 2 Corporate strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2. 1 Strategy formation . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 2. 2 Strategy implementation . . . . . . . . . 2. 3 Communication channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 3. 1 Media richness theory . . . . . . . . . . 2. . 2 Channel attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 4 Commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 4. 1 Organisational Commitment . . . . . . . 2. 4. 2 Three-Component Model of Commitment 2. 5 Theoretical framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 6 8 9 9 13 15 18 19 23 30 32 41 43 46 50 55 61 61 62 63 64 66 66 72 80 83 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Methodology 3. 1 Research design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 1. 1 Exploratory and descriptive research purpose . . . 3. 1. 2 Quantitative and qualitative research strategy . . . 3. 1. 3 Case study method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 2 Data collection and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 2. 1 Background study, interview and survey techniques 3. 2. 2 Statistical data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3 Reliability and validity of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . Findings and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III 4. 1 4. 2 4. 3 4. 4 Description of the case company’s strategy and the internal communication channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 1. 1 Description of the company’s generic corporate strategy . . . . . 4. 1. 2 Description of the company’s internal communication channels . Content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 2. 1 Strategy knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 2. Employees’ ability to apply corporate strategy . . . . . . . . . . 4. 2. 3 The quantity of strategy information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 1 Media richness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 2 Preference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 3 Information quality and channel accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 4 Satisfaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 5 Channel comparisons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 6 ICC versus non-ICC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 3. 7 ICC channels ful? l the employee needs to varying extent . . . . . Commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 4. 1 Affective, normative and continuance commitment . . . . . . . . 4. 4. 2 Strategy knowledge against commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. 4. 3 ICC channels and commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 84 86 89 90 93 94 96 97 102 106 107 109 112 113 116 117 119 122 125 125 127 128 129 130 5 Conclusions 5. 1 Research summary . . . . . . . 5. 2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 3 Practical implications . . . . . . 5. 4 Limitations of the study . . . . . 5. 5 Suggestions for further research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IV List of Tables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Important terminology of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internal Communication Matrix (Welch Jackson, 2007) . . . . . . . . Adjective-Pairs Used In Evaluating Communication Channels . . . . . Background material from case company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Interview data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The stages of channel choice for the survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Case study tactics for Four Design Tests (Adapted from Yin (2009, p. 41)) 7 14 4 2 67 68 70 81 Selected channels and their dimension of internal communication . . . . . 89 The employee channel preference comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 The top three employee channel preferences in terms of media richness and internal communication dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 The employees’ ranking of channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 V List of Figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 The Shannon-Weaver model of communication (Shannon Weaver, 1949) Internal Corporate Communication (Welch Jackson, 2007) . . . . . . . Types of Strategies (Mintzberg, 1978) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strategy Implementation, a link between planned and realizing strategy . Media Richness Hierarchy (Lengel Daft, 1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media Selection Framework (Lengel Daft, 1988) . . . . . . . . . . . A Three-component Model of Organizational Commitment . . . . . . . . Th e Theoretical Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A box plot with annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A box plot with outlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scatter plot without and with jitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scatter chart with Trend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Scatter plot without and without outlier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Removal of outliers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The correlation between Affective, Normative and Continuance Commitment Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Theoretical Framework (Content) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The employees’ perception of their strategy knowledge . . . . . . . . Ability to apply strategy against knowledge of the strategy . . . . . . Having enough strategy information against knowledge of the strategy The Theoretical Framewo rk (Media) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Media richness attribute scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richness and Richness Adjusted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Channel preference ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Information quality and channel accessibility scores . . . . . . . . . . The employees’ channel satisfaction scores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICC and non-ICC channel attribute comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . The Theoretical Framework (Commitment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Overall ACS, NCS and CCS results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commitment scales against Strategy Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . Knowledge affect commitment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 16 20 25 34 38 51 56 74 75 76 77 79 80 82 90 91 93 95 96 97 99 102 106 108 112 116 117 120 121 31 32 ACS, Strategy Knowledge and Employees’ perspective . . . . . . . . . . 122 The employees’ ? rst channel preference type with respect to strategy knowledge and ACS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 VII Chapter 1 Introduction In recent years, there has been a growing interest in internal communication in corporate communication research (Vercic, Vercic Sriramesh, 2012). Internal communication can be described as any â€Å"communication with employees internally within the organization† (Cornelissen, 2011, p. 164). Not only does internal communication enable companies to have information and knowledge sharing between employees (D. Tourish Hargie, 2004a) but it also satis? es and commits them (D. Tourish Hargie, 2000), and gives them a voice to speak up (Morrison Milliken, 2000). Internal communication is important, because it affects the bottom line of a company (Yates, 2006) and, quite simply, is a contributing factor to success (Argenti Forman, 2002; D. Tourish Hargie, 2004d). According to Welch and Jackson (2007), one of the recent internal communication theories is based on a stakeholder approach, where internal communication is divided into four interrelated dimensions according to identi? ed stakeholder groups: internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication, internal project peer communication and internal corporate communication. In their new approach to internal communication, Welch and Jackson (2007) concentrate on the fourth dimension, namely internal corporate communication. It is de? ned as â€Å"communication between an organisation’s strategic managers and its in1 ernal stakeholders, designed to promote commitment to the organisation, a sense of belonging to it, awareness of its changing environment and understanding of its evolving aims. † (Welch Jackson, 2007, p. 193) The role of internal corporate communication is to convey corporate issues such as goals and objectives (Welch Jackson, 2007). The interna l corporate communication channels are mainly one-way channels, such as newsletters and the intranet. The aim of internal corporate communication is to reach four goals, which are belonging, commitment, awareness and understanding of the business environment. Welch and Jackson (2007) address speci? cally the formal and managed internal communication as opposed to the informal internal communication. Informal internal communication, also known as â€Å"grapevine†, includes the constant chat between people at work. The formal internal communication includes the managed company/work related communication. The new stakeholder approach to internal communication is important, because according to Welch and Jackson (2007), it broadens the previous approaches, which only looked at the employees as a single audience. The four internal communication dimensions give managers a tool to strategically communicate to different stakeholder groups within the company as well as to all employees at once. One of the corporate issues that internal communication conveys is strategy. Strategy has a multitude of de? nitions. Chandler (1962) created the basics for today’s typical strategy de? nition (Mintzberg, 1978; Mustonen, 2009), which is: â€Å"the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals† (Chandler, 1962, p. 3) Corporate strategy is important, because it aids the company to reach its long-term object2 ives and, therefore, affects the company’s long-term wealth (Al-Ghamdi, Roy Ahmed, 2007). After the corporate strategy has been formulated, it needs to be implemented, hence communicated, to the employees. The better the employees understand, acc ept and embrace the corporate strategy, the more successful the strategy communication is (Aaltonen Ik? valko, 2002). Understanding the strategy objectives and the signi? cance a of everyone’s contribution has an effect on the commitment and work motivation of the employees (H? ? l? inen Maula, 2004). a aa In spite of the wealth of research into strategy and strategy communication, there has been a call for more research on internal communication for more than a decade. For example, Argenti (1996, p. 94) points out that â€Å"no other corporate communication subfunction offers more of an opportunity for genuinely sought after research than employee [= internal] communication†. Even today, internal communication still calls for more research (Vercic et al. , 2012; Welch Jackson, 2007). Welch and Jackson (2007, p. 94) call for further research on â€Å"internal stakeholders’ [employees] needs and preferences for communication content and media† to improv e internal corporate communication. Since the internal corporate communication concept is new, there has been little if any research in a corporate strategy context. Furthermore, internal corporate communication and its ability to contribute to the four goals, namely belonging, commitment, awareness and understanding of the business environment, hasn’t been studied much either. 1. 1 Research objectives and questions This Master’s thesis has three purposes. The ? st purpose is to examine the employees’ needs and preferences of the company’s internal communication (IC) channels, speci? cally internal corporate communication (ICC) channels that convey the company’s corporate strategy. The second is to investigate the successfulness of the internal strategy communication (ISC), speci? cally internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC), regarding the employees’ perception of their strategy knowledge. The third is to research the relation betw een internal strategy communication (ISC), focusing on internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC), and the employee’s commitment. The terminology 3 used in this study is described in Section 1. 2. Even though this study focuses primarily on the internal corporate communication (ICC) dimension, the other three internal communication dimensions, namely internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication and internal project peer communication, as well as the informal communication (non-ICC), are also taken into account in this study. This is because the other three dimensions are interrelated with the ICC dimension (Welch Jackson, 2007); and, because informal communication adds an often used channel. This study looks both at the general internal strategy communication (ISC), which includes all four formal internal communication dimensions and informal internal communication, and at Welch and Jackson’s (2007) more speci? c internal corporate communication conveying strategy (ISCC). Hereinafter, the general internal strategy communication (ISC) with the focus on internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC) is referred to as ‘internal strategy (corporate) communication’. Since, this study requires in-depth knowledge about a company’s internal strategy communication (ISC), it was deemed best to focus only on one company instead of looking at multiple companies. Also, since internal strategy communication (ISC) is con? dential, the case company prefers to stay anonymous. The chosen case company for this study is a Finnish daughter company of an international corporation. The daughter company is spread around Finland and has circa 350 employees. More information on the case company and the single case study method is presented in Section 3. . 3. The purpose of this study is transformed into one main and ? ve sub research questions. All of these research questions relate to the case company. The questions are as follows: Main research question: How does internal strategy communication, speci? cally internal strategy corporate communication, meet the employees’ needs and relate to employee commitment? Sub research questions: 4 1. What are th e employees’ internal strategy (corporate) communication channel preferences? 2. How do the channels meet the employees’ needs? 3. How much knowledge do the employees perceive to have regarding the corporate strategy gained through internal strategy (corporate) communication? 4. How committed are the employees? 5. What is the relation between their commitment and strategy knowledge gained through internal strategy (corporate) communication? The main research question studies how internal (corporate) communication conveying the corporate strategy meets the needs of the employees. Also, it studies whether the communication relates to the employees’ commitment towards the company. The ? e sub research questions are studying this main research problem more thoroughly. The ? rst and second sub research questions aim to identify what the employees’ internal strategy (corporate) communication channel preferences are and how the channels meet the employees’ needs. Internal communication media include different kinds of communication channels. On the one hand, it includes two-way internal communicati on channels such as performance appraisals, and on the other hand, it includes one-way internal corporate communication channels, such as newsletters and the intranet. The channel related needs will be identi? d from the literature. The emphasis in the ? rst and second sub questions is on the employees’ viewpoint on the channels and their characteristics. The third sub research question studies how much knowledge the employees perceive to have regarding the corporate strategy. It is assumed that strategy knowledge is gained and understood via several different ways, one of them being internal strategy (corporate) communication. The needs of the employees for internal strategy (corporate) communication are to receive the message, understand it, and gain the required strategy knowledge. The employees’ level of strategy knowledge and their ability to use this knowledge in their everyday work will help to determine whether the internal strategy (corporate) communication is effective and successful. The fourth and ? fth sub research questions investigate the commitment level of the case 5 company employees, and the relation between their commitment and their strategy knowledge. As has been discussed earlier, ICC leads to four goals, which are commitment, belonging, awareness and understanding of the business environment. Due to the scope restrictions in this study, only the ommitment goal is researched. The organisational commitment theory will be used to analyse how committed the employees are to the company. The gained strategy knowledge will be seen as a result of internal strategy (corporate) communication. Therefore, the employees’ strategy knowledge acts as a middleman in determining the relation between internal strategy corporate communication and the employees’ commitment. This Master’s thesis is well positioned in the research ? eld of International Business Communication, because this study is set in an international business setting researching communication. The Finnish case company is a subsidiary of a multinational company, with subsidiaries all over the world. There is close co-operation between the parent and subsidiary companies, providing an international setting for the business. This study explores internal strategy (corporate) communication in the ? eld of business. The speci? c interest is in the case company’s corporate strategy, how this company communicates the strategy to its employees, how the employees perceive the communication and whether the communication relates to their organisational commitment. 1. 2 Terminology of this study Since the ‘internal communication’, ‘internal corporate communication’ and ‘internal strategy corporate communication’ related concepts and terminology used in this study are very similar to each other, there is the potential for misunderstandings. In order to increase clarity of this study, a summary of the key terminology is provided. The terminology, the abbreviations and their descriptions are presented in Table 1. As can be seen in Table 1, the key terminology used in this study consists of variations about ‘internal communication’ and ‘strategy’. In each chapter, the ? rst time a term is mentioned, it is spelled out entirely with the abbreviation in brackets as a reminder. After 6 Table 1: Important terminology of this study Abbr. IC Description Terminology Internal communication Internal corporate communication ICC Formal non-ICC Internal line manager communication Internal project peer communication Internal team peer communication Informal Small talk, corridor chats ISC Overall internal communication happening in a company. Could be both one-way or two-way communication. Includes all four formal internal communication dimensions and informal communication Predominantly one-way communication between an organisation’s strategic managers and its employees on corporate issues Other internal communication that is not ICC. It includes most two-way communication, formal and informal, on work related issues between all the employees (line manager to subordinate, employee to employee, project peer to project peer, team peer to team peer) of the company 7 ISCC Internal strategy communication Internal strategy corporate communication Formal Internal communication conveying strategy information in a company. Could be both one-way or two-way communication. Includes all four formal internal communication dimensions and informal communication Predominantly one-way communication on precisely the corporate strategy conveyed from the strategic managers to all the employees more or less simultaneously Internal strategy line manager communication Internal strategy project peer communication Internal strategy team peer communication Informal Strategy small talk, corridor chats Other internal communication on strategy that is not ISCC. It includes non-ISCC most two-way communication, formal or informal, on strategy between all the employees of the company that the abbreviation is usually used. However, in selected places, like Section 2. 1 on internal communication, the term ‘internal communication’ is spelled out instead of using the abbreviation IC in order to make the difference towards ICC more prominent. 1. 3 Structure of the thesis The four main sections in this Master’s thesis are the literature review, the methodology, the ? dings and discussion, and the conclusions. The literature review presents the most relevant literature for this study, including literature on internal communication, strategy, internal communication channels and commitment. The ? nal section of the literature review explains the theoretical framework of this study. The methodology chapter presents the research design, methods and data, and reliability of the study. The ? ndings and discussion chapter explains ? ndings on the internal strategy (corporate) communication channels, employee preferences and need ful? ment, employees’ perception of their strategy knowledge, and employees’ overall organisational commitment and its relation to the gained strategy knowledge. All of the ? ndings are discussed throughout this chapter. Finally, the conclusion chapter reviews the research summary, explains the practical implications of this research, presents the limitations of the study, and proposes suggestions for further research. 8 Chapter 2 Review of Literature This chapter will review literature that is relevant to this Master’s thesis. All of the sections in this chapter ? st review more general literature on the topic at hand and then dive into the more speci? c theory or model that is of relevance to this study. The ? rst section presents research related to internal communication in general and, more speci? cally, to the internal communication matrix and the internal corporate communication (ICC) concept. The second section addresses the formulation and implementation of strategy. The third section highlights communication channels, in general, and then more speci? cally focuses on the media richness theory and communication channel attributes. The fourth section elaborates on commitment, organisational commitment and the threecomponent model of commitment. The last section presents the theoretical framework of this study. 2. 1 Internal communication The word communication is based on the Latin words â€Å"communis† and â€Å"communicare† (Wiio, 1977). â€Å"Communis† means sharing in common and â€Å"communicare† means to make common, hence communication is something that is being done together (Wiio, 9 1977). Wiio (1970) de? nes communication simply as the exchange of information between the sender and the receiver. One of the earliest ways to describe communication is the Shannon-Weaver model of communication, which includes more elements than just the sender and the receiver (Shannon Weaver, 1949). This model is presented in Figure 1. Transmitter Information message (Encoder) Source signal Channel Noise Source received signal Receiver (Decoder) message Destination Figure 1: The Shannon-Weaver model of communication (Shannon Weaver, 1949) In Figure 1 the sender encodes a message, transmits it via a channel to the receiver who decodes the message. Along the way there is noise, which refers to any disturbance that could affect the reception of the message (Shannon Weaver, 1949). What makes this communication successful, according to Al-Ghamdi et al. (2007), is that the information transferred from the sender to the receiver is understood by the receiver. For a long time now, it has been recognised that the Shannon-Weaver model of communication is outdated because it cannot fully grasp the complex process of human communication, nevertheless, it is one of the best known models (Bowman Targowski, 1987). It is important to note that communication can be both internal and external (Cornelissen, 2011). Traditionally it was easy to distinguish between the internal communication between the employees in a company and the external communication to, for instance, customers. Nowadays, however, with the arrival of technology and new communication tools (e-mail, intranet, videos, online newsletters) the borders between internal and external communication have become fuzzy (Cornelissen, 2011). For the purpose of this study, it is assumed that internal communication can exist as its own concept separate from external communication. This study will only focus on the internal aspects of communication. Internal communication is important because it helps to share information and know10 ledge with everyone at the company (D. Tourish Hargie, 2004a). It informs (Smith, 2008), satis? es and commits the employees (D. Tourish Hargie, 2000), as well as, engages them (Kress, 2005) and gives them a voice to speak up (Morrison Milliken, 2000). Especially in today’s rapidly changing business world, with all the downsizing, outsourcing and restructuring, internal communication is important (Vercic et al. 2012). It has emerged as a critical function, because organisational leaders need better management skills in regards to employees (Vercic et al. , 2012). Welch and Jackson (2007) argue that internal communication, speci? cally ICC, explained in Subsection 2. 1. 2, leads to commitment, and commitment leads to better performance (Meyer Allen, 1991) and, therefore, internal communication is crucial for business succe ss. It is the key to good management (Jay, 2005) and it produces better results (Smith, 2008). Internal communication affects the bottom line of a company, by decreasing employee turnover and increasing market premiums, shareholder returns and employee engagement (Yates, 2006), therefore, leading to success (Argenti Forman, 2002; D. Tourish Hargie, 2004d). The growing importance of internal communication is visible in many initiatives, for instance, the setting up of the Institute of internal communication in the UK, with the aim of understanding and studying the ? eld (Vercic et al. , 2012). Already in the 6th century St. Benedict said: â€Å"Smaller organisational decisions should be taken by senior individuals, but large ones should be decided as a group. Everyone’s voice must be heard to avoid murmurs and back-biting† (Smith, 2008, p. 10), which indicates that internal communication has existed for a long time and it is not only a phenomenon of today’s business world (Smith, 2008). Although the actual practice of internal communication has probably existed for quite some time, the concept itself is relatively new, having started in the US and spread from there to Europe (Vercic et al. , 2012) in the 20th century (Clutterbuck, 1997; Smith, 2008). Even though internal communication has been studied directly or indirectly by many researchers such as Argenti (1996); J. Grunig and Hunt (1984); Jefkins (1988); Kalla (2005); Quirke (2000); Smith (2008); Stone (1995); D. Tourish and Hargie (2004b); Wiio (1970); Wright (1995); Yates (2006), there has been a considerable gap in the academic research and understanding of internal communication (Welch Jackson, 2007). This is highlighted with the following quote. â€Å"no other corporate communication subfunction offers more of an opportunity for genuinely sought after research than employee [= internal] communic11 ation† (Argenti, 1996, p. 4) It is dif? cult to de? ne internal communication because it has several, often interchangeably used, synonyms such as change management (Smith, 2008), employee communication (Argenti, 1996; Smidts, Pruyn Van Riel, 2001), employee relations (Argenti, 1996; J. Grunig Hunt, 1984; Quirke, 2000), integrated internal communications (Kalla, 2005 ), internal public relations (Jefkins, 1988; Wright, 1995), internal relations (J. Grunig Hunt, 1984), industrial relations (Smith, 2008), reputation management (Smith, 2008), staff communication (Stone, 1995), staff communications (D. Tourish Hargie, 2004b) and transformation (Smith, 2008). These synonyms add to the complexity of de? ning internal communication. The term internal communication has been chosen for this study due to the interest in Welch and Jackson’s (2007) ICC concept; for details see Subsection 2. 1. 2. In addition, the term internal communication is preferred by corporate communication theorists such as Van Riel (1995) and J. Foreman and Argenti (2005). There have been very few useful and appropriate de? nitions of internal communication. De? nitions have either been very simple, for example â€Å"communication with employees internally within the organization† (Cornelissen, 2011, p. 64), or describing something else entirely. For example, a very widely used de? nition of internal communication is that of Frank and Brownell (1989), which more accurately seems to be a de? nition of organisational communication instead of internal communication (Welch Jackson, 2007). â€Å"the communications transactions between individuals and/or groups at various levels and in different areas of specialisation that are intended to design and redesign organisations, to implement designs, and to co-ordinate day-today activities† (Frank Brownell, 1989, p. -6) Appropriately, Welch and Jackson (2007) addressed this gap in the academic research and understanding of internal communication and rede? ned internal communication. Welch and Jackson’s (2007) de? nition is adopted for this study, because of the interest in ICC 12 speci? cally. The de? nition is presented below. â€Å"the strategic management of interactions and relationships between stakeholders within organisations across a number of interrelated dimensions including, internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication, internal project peer communication and internal corporate communication† (Welch Jackson, 2007, p. 84) This section continues by explaining Welch and Jackson’s (2007) internal communication matrix with its four fo rmal internal communication dimensions in Subsection 2. 1. 1. Then, Subsection 2. 1. 2 de? nes the internal corporate communication concept and its four goals (Welch Jackson, 2007). 2. 1. 1 Internal communication matrix The internal communication matrix created by Welch and Jackson (2007) consists of four formal internal communication dimensions, which are the earlier mentioned internal corporate communication (ICC), internal line manager communication, internal team peer communication and internal project peer communication. The internal communication matrix helps to separate the ICC dimension from the other internal communication dimensions. Welch and Jackson (2007) take a stakeholder approach to internal communication. This is done in order to address the criticism and recent calls for research. L’Etang (2005, p. 522) criticises that â€Å"employees are too often treated as a single public† with respect to internal communication in a company. In addition, Forman and Argenti (2005) call for more research on employees as the target audience of internal communication. Welch and Jackson (2007) address these issues by differentiating stakeholder groups at the company, while at the same time still focusing on communication that reaches all the employees. Hence, Welch and Jackson (2007) take a stakeholder approach to internal communication. 13 According to Freeman (1984, p. 25), a stakeholder is: â€Å"any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the ? rm’s objectives†. Stakeholder theory, together with internal communication, add to the identi? ation of participants that form stakeholder groups at different organisational levels: all employees, strategic management, day-to-day management, work teams and project teams (Welch Jackson, 2007). This implies the earlier mentioned four interrelated dimensions of internal communication (Welch Jackson, 2007). These four internal communication dimensions in a management context form the internal communication matrix, which is visible in Table 2. Table 2: Internal Communication Matrix (Welch Jackson, 2007) Dimension 1. Internal line management communication 2. Internal team peer communication 3. Internal project peer communication 4. Internal corporate communication Level Line managers/ supervisors Team colleagues Project group colleagues Strategic managers/ top management Direction Predominantly two-way Two-way Two-way Predominantly one-way Participants Line managersemployees Employeeemployee Employeeemployee Strategic managers-all employees Content Employees’ roles Personal impact, e. g. appraisal discussions, team brie? ngs Team information, e. g. team task discussions Project information, e. g. project issues Organisational/ corporate issues, e. . goals, objectives, new developments, activities and achievements As Table 2 shows, the four dimensions of internal communication are followed by the organisational level, the direction, participants and content of the internal communication, respectively. The level, direction, participants and content of the internal communication differ according to the internal stakeholder group in q uestion. The ? rst dimension, internal line manager communication, is between the line managers and the employees of a company at the line manager/supervisor level. This communication is mainly two-way, between superior and subordinate with the content being, for instance, about employee roles (Welch Jackson, 2007). The second dimension, internal team peer communication, is two-way communication between team members, employee to employee, with the content being team information (Welch Jackson, 2007). The third dimension, internal project peer communication, is two-way communication between project peers, employee to employee, with the content being project informa14 tion. The difference here between a team and a project is that teams are work teams in departments and divisions while projects have a wider scope with dispersed teams (Welch Jackson, 2007). The fourth dimension, ICC, is strategic one way communication from the strategic managers/top management of the company to all employees. This communication deals with corporate issues such as goals, objectives and achievements (Welch Jackson, 2007). Internal line, team peer and project peer communication have been considerably researched by J. Grunig et al. (1992). Therefore, the focus of this study will be on ICC, which has been largely ignored to date. 2. 1. 2 Internal corporate communication The internal corporate communication (ICC) concept developed by Welch and Jackson (2007) is communication between the strategic top of the company and the rest of the company. It focuses on all the employees and, therefore, ? lls an existing void in research (Forman Argenti, 2005). Internal corporate communication is predominantly oneway and includes issues such as company goals and objectives. The concept of ICC is presented in Figure 2, with the de? ition of ICC being: â€Å"communication between an organisation’s strategic managers and its internal stakeholders, designed to promote commitment to the organisation, a sense of belonging to it, awareness of its changing environment and understanding of its evolving aims† (Welch Jackson, 2007, p. 186) Figure 2 shows that the strategic managers, who are situated in the circle in the middle o f Figure 2, send corporate messages, shown as arrows in Figure 2, to all the company employees, who are situated in the circle depicting internal environment. Figure 2 also points out that internal corporate communication, where the strategic managers are sending corporate messages to the employees, leads to four goals, which are visible in the thick one-way arrows: commitment, awareness, belonging and understanding. In addition, there are four smaller double headed arrows between the internal environment and the external micro environment. These arrows imply two-way communication, which ex15 External MacroEnvironment Employees Commitment External MicroEnvironment Corporate Messages Understanding Strategic managers Awareness Belonging Employees Internal Environment Figure 2: Internal Corporate Communication (Welch Jackson, 2007) ists in the other three internal communication dimensions: internal manager communication, internal team peer communication and internal project peer communication. Finally, there is also an external macro environment in Figure 2. The double headed arrows in Figure 2 show that even though the main messages are predominantly one way, the strategic managers are still getting feedback and information from their employees in other ways, for instance, through internal team peer communication (Welch Jackson, 2007). Welch and Jackson (2007) note that the one-wayness of the internal corporate communication concept can be criticised; however, it would be unrealistic to assume that the company could have face-to-face discussion with every single employee on every issue at hand. Therefore, it is important that the messages sent from the top are consistent and this could be done with mediated means of communication (e. g. external news release, corporate television advertisement, corporate web site, internal newsletter). Internal mediated communication can be considered symmetrical: â€Å"if 16 its content meets the employees’ need to know rather than the management’s need to tell† (L. Grunig, Grunig Dozier, 2002, p. 487). The channels of ICC are a focus in this study, which is to answer the call for further research highlighted in the following quote. â€Å"Research into employee preferences for channel and content of internal corporate communication is required to ensure it meets employees’ needs† (Welch Jackson, 2007, p. 87) The aforementioned goals of the ICC concept are to increase commitment of the employees to the organisation, develop their awareness of the environmental change, increase their belonging to the company and develop their understanding of the changing objectives. Out of these four goals the commitment goal is of speci? c interest to this study. Commitment is like a positive attitude among employees (De Ridder, 2004; Meyer Allen, 1997; Mowday , Porter Steers, 1982) and a degree of loyalty towards an organisation (Welch Jackson, 2007). It is de? ned as â€Å"the relative strength of an individual’s identi? cation with, and involvement in, a particular organisation† (Mowday, Steers Porter, 1979, p. 226). Meyer and Allen (1997) identify three types of workplace commitment, namely affective, continuance and normative. Since the concept of commitment and Meyer and Allen’s (1991) three types of commitment are relevant for this Master’s thesis, they will be further reviewed in Section 2. 4. Belonging is described by Cornelissen (2004, p. 8) as â€Å"a ‘we’ feeling [–] allowing people to identify with their organizations†. Internal communication has an effect on this degree of identi? cation (Smidts et al. , 2001, p. 1052). The need to belong is a strong motivator for people (Baumeister Leary, 1995). Therefore, it has to be remembered that organisations could use a persuasive strategy to in? uence the employees (Cheney, 1983) or even use internal communication as a tool to try to manipulate employees (Moloney, 2000). Due to this Welch and Jackson (2007) point out that ICC has an ethical aspect. It is important for the employees to be aware of the environmental change, and understand how it impacts the organisation (Welch Jackson, 2007), because the organisational environment is dynamic. This dynamic environment has three levels, namely macro, micro 17 and internal (Palmer Hartley, 2002), which are also shown in Figure 2. These environments are subject to change, and change in the business world has been substantial in the past years for instance due to technology (Cornelissen, 2004). Due to these environmental changes and the implications they could mean, it is vital for the employees to be aware and understand the change (Welch Jackson, 2007). In addition, to just plainly communicating the current situation of the organisation to the employees, the organisation should even communicate about the external opportunities and threats of the company. Effective internal corporate communication should enable employees to understand the constant changes the company is going through (Welch Jackson, 2007), thus reducing employees’ uncertainty. In sum, ICC is of speci? interest in this study, because it hasn’t yet been extensively researched. Internal communication is important for companies, because it contributes to their success (Argenti Forman, 2002; D. Tourish Hargie, 2004d). When a stakeholder approach is taken, internal communication can be divided into four interrelated dimensions (Welch Jackson, 2007). These dimensions together form the internal communication matrix (Welch Jackson, 2007). Out of these four dimensions ICC is the strategic top addressing all the employees simultaneously about the company goals and objectives (Welch Jackson, 2007). The goals of the ICC include giving the employees a feeling of belonging and commitment, as well as raising the employees’ awareness and understanding of the company’s changing environment (Welch Jackson, 2007). 2. 2 Corporate strategy Corporate strategy is important, because it aids the company to reach its long-term objectives and, therefore, affects the company’s long-term wealth (Al-Ghamdi et al. , 2007). Understanding these objectives and the signi? cance of everyone’s contribution has an effect on the commitment and work motivation of the employees (H? m? l? nen Maula, 2004), a aa which is a contributing factor to an effective company (Koch, Radvansk? Sklen? r, y a 2011). 18 The origin of the word strategy comes from the Greek word â€Å"strategos†, â€Å"a general† (Bracker, 1980, p. 219), referring to skills of warfare (Cummings, 1993; Lahti, 2008). Furthermore, the Greek verb â€Å"stratego† stands for †plan[ning] the destruction of one’s enemies through effective use of resources† (Bracker, 1980, p. 219). The word strategy was originally linked to war and politics, and only after World War II was there a need to link the word to business (Bracker, 1980). The ? rst ones to connect the strategy concept to business were Von Neumann and Morgenstern with their game theory (Bracker, 1980), where strategy is the set of rules that players follow (Mintzberg, 1978). Chandler (1962) created the basics for today’s typical strategy de? nition (Mintzberg, 1978; Mustonen, 2009): †the determination of the basic long-term goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals† (Chandler, 1962, p. 13) Bracker (1980, p. 221) sums up many of the strategy de? itions to: â€Å"entails the analysis of internal and external environments of a ? rm to maximize the utilization of resources in relation to objectives†. Strategy quite simply put is a †plan† (Mintzberg, 1978, p. 935). This section continues by explaining the strategy formation with Mintzberg’s (1978) theory and a brief review on vision and mission related resear ch in Subsection 2. 2. 1. Then, the strategy implementation is explained in Subsection 2. 2. 2. Issues covered include the importance of the implementation process, the de? nition, Aaltonen and Ik? alko’s (2002) a theory, the importance of managers in the process, some practical issues and the dif? culties of strategy implementation. Finally, the subtle difference between internal strategy communication (ISC) and internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC) is discussed. 2. 2. 1 Strategy formation The strategy process starts with the company’s corporate strategy formation. Mintzberg’s (1978) theory is one of the many theories that explains the theoretical strategy formation. 19 A more practical view of strategy formation is found in research on vision and mission statements. Mintzberg’s (1978) theory Mintzberg (1978) developed a strategy formation theory, where there are two kinds of strategies, the intended and the realised. According to Mintzberg (1978), in the mainly theoretical strategy formation research, the majority of strategy de? nitions have one thing in common: they are a deliberate set of guidelines that determine future decisions. This type of a strategy is called an intended strategy, and it has the following three characteristics (Mintzberg, 1978). First, it is explicit. Second, it is created purposefully and consciously; and third, it is made in advance to help decision-making. Opposite to the intended strategy is the realised strategy, which is the actual strategy that is put into action. In order to expand the strategy formation research, Mintzberg (1978, p. 935) de? nes strategy as â€Å"a pattern in a stream of decisions†. He then claims that these two kinds of strategies, intended and realised, can be combined in three different ways, resulting in ? ve types of strategies, namely the intended, unrealised, deliberate, emergent and realised. These ? ve types of strategies and their relations are presented in Figure 3. Intended Strategy Unrealized Strategy Deliberate Strategy Realized Strategy Emergent Strategy Figure 3: Types of Strategies (Mintzberg, 1978) As can be seen in Figure 3, the intended strategy is to the left implying a starting point, and the realised strategy is to the right implying an end result. Mintzberg (1978) reasons that the intended and the realised strategy, at least theoretically, can be combined in the following three ways. First, intended strategies that get realised without anything left 20 out or added are called deliberate strategies. Second, intended strategies that do not get realised are called unrealised strategies. This could be caused by issues such as unrealistic expectations. Third, unintended strategies that get realised are called emergent strategies. These could develop over time, unintended, out of a pattern of continuous decisional behaviour. Mintzberg and Waters (1985) suggest that for a strategy to realise itself exactly as it was planned, three conditions need to be met. First, the strategy needs to be planned in detail, in a way that it can be communicated clearly. Second, everyone in the company needs to know it. Third, the strategy implementation is not in? uenced from outside of the company (Mintzberg Waters, 1985). At least two out of these three conditions need communication, which emphasizes the role that communication plays in the strategy process, especially in the implementation, which is presented in Subsection 2. 2. 2. Vision and mission Vision and mission have been recognised as a part of the more practical view on the strategy formulation process for all types of organisations (Darbi, 2010; David, 1989). However, David (1989) argues that the strategy formulation process consists of not only the creation of the vision and mission statement, but also of the SWOT-analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and the identi? ation of the long-term objectives, to name a few. H? m? l? inen and Maula (2004) point out that it is common practice that a aa companies de? ne at least vision, mission, strategy (a more limited concept, not to be confused with the main corporate strategy) and value statements during their strategy process. These four components could be seen as the most central operational guidelines of a company (H? m? l? inen Maula, 2004). a aa Vision and mission statements are important, because they in? uence strategy and organisational performance (Darbi, 2010). Vision and mission statements give direction and clarity to the employees; and create a common sense of purpose (Campbell, 1997; Ireland Hirc, 1992; Klemm, Sanderson Luffman, 1991; Matejka, Kurke Gregory, 1993; Mullane, 2002). In addition, these statements also motivate (Ireland Hirc, 21 1992), shape behaviours (Collins Porras, 1991), develop commitment (Klemm et al. , 1991) and ? nally in? uence employee performance positively (Mullane, 2002). Vision describes the desired future state of a company (Darbi, 2010; H? m? l? inen a aa Maula, 2004). The content and length of this description may differ (Darbi, 2010). In addition, G. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington (2008) argue that the vision should show how the company produces value for its stakeholders. A vision gives strategic direction to a company and, furthermore, is the foundation for the mission and other related goals (Darbi, 2010). â€Å"Vision statements are supposed to be challenging and ambitious yet workable enough to evoke employees’ ingenuity as far as its realisation is concerned† (Darbi, 2010, p. 96) A mission is the company’s current purpose (Darbi, 2010; H? m? l? inen Maula, 2004). aa It answers the question: â€Å"what is our business? † (David, 2009, p. 85), and expresses the corporate strategy in terms of scope and value creation (David, 2009). The mission should convey the company’s strategic direction to the stakeholders (Bartkus, Glassman McAfee, 2004). Hence the company should identify the most important stakehold ers in their mission statement and assure that their needs are met (Mullane, 2002). The mission should speci? cally correspond to the values and expectations of the stakeholders (Darbi, 2010). The last two corporate strategy components presented are values and strategy. Values refer to the company embraced principles (H? m? l? inen Maula, 2004). Strategy shows a aa how the company is going to achieve its vision and mission (H? m? l? inen Maula, 2004). a aa This type of strategy is a more limited concept in the whole big corporate strategy process, and its purpose seems to be to show a practical way to reach the goals. It seems to be rather confusing to have two separate concepts named the same, which de? nitely can be seen as a problem in the strategy implementation phase. This could potentially be solved by renaming the more limited strategy concept as something else. However, the word strategy has also many other meanings (Jones, 2008), and it has become a synonym for 22 different words. For instance, strategy could refer to a plan, a position, a purpose or a long term view (Jones, 2008) and in the adjective form of â€Å"strategic† even important or signi? cant (Alvesson, 2002). There is some criticism in regards to the usefulness and bene? ts of these vision and mission statements (Simpson, 1994). In terms of the content, for instance Simpson (1994) and Goett (1997) note that the majority of these vision and mission statements sound very general and are â€Å"rarely useful† (Goett, 1997, p. ). Hussey (1998) notes that there are semantic problems with vision and mission, therefore what someone thinks of as a vision, another one would say is a mission. Jones (2008) points out that the terms vision and mission have as many de? nitions as people want to give them and they are very overused. Collins and Porras (1999) go a step further and indicate that vision is one of the most overused words in the English language; it is also the least understood. In addition to the criticism against the content, there is also criticism against the process of formulating the vision and mission. Mullane (2002) noted that it is not really the content itself but rather the process of formulating the vision and mission, and how they are then implemented. These statements are seen as top management’s compulsory work that will inevitably end in the employees’ desk drawers or walls, forgotten. So, are the vision and mission statements useful after all? Well, the literature that supports the usefulness and relevance does outweigh the opposite literature (Darbi, 2010), implying that the vision and mission statements are useful. However, the problem of not everyone knowing and understanding the vision and mission statements remains, and should be addressed with a well thought-out strategy implementation, which takes this into consideration. 2. 2. 2 Strategy implementation It is not enough if only the top management knows about the corporate strategy; it also needs the employees embracing the parts of the strategy that affect their work (H? m? l? inen a aa Maula, 2004). Therefore, a successful strategy implementation is vital for any com23 pany (Aaltonen Ik? alko, 2002). Strategy communication, being a major part of a strategy implementation, is important, because it is essential to operational ef? ciency of a company (Kagan, 2004; Roy, 2001). The more successful the strategy communication (Aaltonen Ik? valko, 2002), the better the employees understand, accept and a embrace the corporate strategy and, hence, the more successful the strategy implementation. H? m? l? inen and Maula (2004) concluded from Juho lin’s (1999) work that strategy a aa communication also increases work satisfaction. Strategy communication does not only affect culture, general well-being and performance, but when it is missing, there might be moral problems and weaker performance (Kazoleas Wright, 2001). In H? m? l? inen and Maula’s (2004) viewpoint strategy implementation means those cona aa crete choices and decisions that employees do everyday at work. Noble (1999, p. 120) de? nes strategy implementation â€Å"as the communication, interpretation, adoption, and enactment of strategic plans†. Communicating strategy to the employees is a central part of strategy implementation (Alexander, 1985; Noble, 1999; Roy, 2001). Strategy communication, as part of the strategy implementation process, is both written and oral communication about the corporate strategy. It is usually communicated in a top-down direction (Aaltonen Ik? valko, 2002). The communication is about the responsibilita ies and tasks the employees need to know so that they can ful? l the corporate strategy (Alexander, 1991). Naturally, a strategy might need to be communicated to other stakeholder groups as well, such as customers, suppliers, partners, analysts, media, authorities, local community, NGO’s and competitors (H? m? l? inen Maula, 2004). Steckel (2000) even points out a aa that companies commonly communicate the strategy to partners and customers and forget the employees. However, in this study the emphasis is put on internal strategy corporate communication (ISCC) and, therefore, the only receivers considered are the employees of a company. Aaltonen and Ik? valko (2002) developed a strategy implementation theory based on earlier a research (Mintzberg, 1978; Noble, 1999; Pettigrew, 1987). They adopted the strategy formation theory from Mintzberg (1978) and the strategy implementation components from Noble (1999). Aaltonen and Ik? valko’s (2002) strategy implementation theory is a presented in Figure 4. 24 vision planned strategy Strategy implementation: communication interpretation and adoption actions realizing strategy Figure 4: Strategy Implementation as a link between How to cite Internal Corporate Communication on Strategy, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Do you agree that playing computer games is a waste of time free essay sample

In this century, computers have become an important part of our lives, especially children’s lives. With the development of cutting-edge technology in the computer field, many children have become fans of novel computer games. Although some people think playing computer games is a waste of time, I believe that there are more advantages than disadvantages to this behavior for several reasons. We have to admit that playing computer games is a waste of children’s time in some cases, such as when they play games instead of studying for an essential examination. Many children are addicted to attractive games, so they play the games instead of studying, and consequently fail their tests. In this case, it seems that playing computer games when they should be studying is harmful to these children. Even though playing computer games has one or two shortcomings, its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages. For instance, playing computer games can relax a child’s mind. We will write a custom essay sample on Do you agree that playing computer games is a waste of time or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many children have much stress from all the assignments they have to complete, which could be harmful to their physical and psychological well-being. However, if parents allow their children to play computer games, their children will relax and be encouraged to study harder when they are not playing games. Moreover, playing computer games can expand a child’s outlook. Some computer games that can be played on the Internet were devised by foreign companies. Playing these games gives children an excellent opportunity to communicate with game friends from all over the world, allowing them to learn about other countries and cultures. In conclusion, I think there are many benefits to allowing children to play computer games. I even believe that playing computer games makes children more intelligent.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Laertes And Hamlet Both Display Impulsive Reactions When Essays

Laertes and Hamlet both display impulsive reactions when angered. Once Laertes discovers his father has been murdered Laertes immediately assumes the slayer is Claudius. As a result of Laertes's speculation he instinctively moves to avenge Polonius's death. \"To hell, allegiance! vows, to the blackest devil! Conscience and grace, to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation: to this point I stand, that both worlds I give to negligence, let come what comes; only I'll be revenged most thoroughly for my father.\" Act 4 Scene 5 lines 128-134 provide insight into Laertes's mind displaying his desire for revenge at any cost. In contrast to Laertes speculation of his father's killer, Hamlet presumes the individual spying on his conversation with Gertrude is Claudius(\"Nay, I know not: is it the King?\" Act 3, Scene 4 line 28). Consequently, Hamlet consumed with rage automatically thrusts out attempting to kill Claudius, but instead strikes Polonius. Hamlet's and Laertes's imprudent actions are incited by fury and frustration. Sudden anger prompts both Hamlet and Laertes to act spontaneously, giving little thought to the consequences of their actions. Hamlet and Laertes share a different but deep love and concern for Ophelia. Before his departure for France Laertes provides lengthy advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes voices his concern of Hamlet's true intentions towards Ophelia and advices her to be wary of Hamlet's love. Laertes impresses upon Ophelia, Hamlet is a prince who most likely will have an arranged marriage. Hamlet's strong love for Ophelia withers after she rejects his affinity. Hamlet's extensive love for Ophelia resulted in grave suffering for Hamlet once his affection was rejected. Hamlet's appearance decays due to the rejection of his love for Ophelia(\"Pale as his shirt, his knees knocking each other\" Act 2, Scene 1, line 82). The loss of Ophelia's love for Hamlet instigates Polonius into believing it has caused Hamlet to revert to antic disposition. Once Laertes learns of the death of his sister he is afflicted with sadness. In the same way, Hamlet is shocked and enraged over Ophelia's demise. Both Hamlet and Laertes are so profoundly distressed at the death of Ophelia they jump into her grave and fight each other. Although Hamlet and Laertes despised one another, they both loved Ophelia. Hamlet was infatuated with Ophelia which was obvious during his constant anguish over her(in her rejection of Hamlet, and in her death Hamlet suffered greatly). Laertes shared a strong brotherly love for Ophelia which was evident in his advice to her. Laertes further displayed his love for Ophelia during her funeral were he fought with Hamlet. Hamlet and Laertes are similar in the way they associate with their families. Laertes highly respects and loves his father Polonius. Similarly, Hamlet holds a great respect for his dead father(Hamlet compares his father to a sun god \"Hyperion\"). After the death of their fathers, Hamlet and Laertes strive to seek revenge on the assassins. Hamlet and Laertes exhibit domineering attitudes towards females. Laertes gives his sister Ophelia guidance on her relationship with Hamlet. In the same way, Hamlet is able to persuade Gertrude he is not mad and manipulate her to follow his instructions. Hamlet directs his mother to convince Claudius of Hamlet's madness. Hamlet is able to make his mother reflect upon her part in the death of his father and feel guilt(\"Thou turn'st mine eyes into my very soul, and there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave their tinct.\" Act 3, Scene 4 lines 90-93). Furthermore, Hamlet instructs his mother not to sleep with Claudius. The fathers of Laertes and Hamlet both attempted to use spies to gain information on their sons(although not his real father Claudius was his uncle as well as step-father). Claudius employed Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to gather information on Hamlet. In comparison, Polonius dispatches Reynaldo to check up on Laertes. Hamlet and Laertes share similar aspects within their families. Hamlet and Laertes demonstrate rash behaviour when infuriated. Hamlet becomes outraged at the notion of Claudius spying on him which results in Hamlet mistakenly killing Polonius. Laertes becomes drastically angered at the death of his father and boldly seeks vengeance against Claudius. Momentary rage overcomes Laertes and Hamlet which prompts them to act spontaneously. Hamlet and Laertes both have a strong love for Ophelia. Hamlet's deep love for Ophelia is evident in his reaction to her rejection of him. In the same way, Laertes care and affection are revealed by his advice to his sister. The families of Laertes and Hamlet contain similar attributes. Hamlet and Laertes hold a high admiration for their fathers and are willing to even kill the

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Fighting Environmental Injustice Essays

Fighting Environmental Injustice Essays Fighting Environmental Injustice Essay Fighting Environmental Injustice Essay Fighting Environmental Injustice Crystal Rainey SCI 207 Dependence of Man on the Environment Richard Hoagland March 30, 2011 Fighting Environmental Injustice Our envirment has been poorly treated by humans for years. It should be everyones job to help take care of our enviroment. Taking care of our enviroment and trying to make our environment healthier is a big job and is something everyone care partake in, but who fights for enviromental injustice. The Environmental Protection Agency or EPA you could say is the main fighter when it comes to fighting for environmental Injustice but are they doing enough and should they be doing more? I think that the EPA should be doing more for fighting for environmental injustice but being that the EPA is an government agency could their view have become distorted by finantional gain. I will be demastrighting what the epa was done for enviromental injustice but more importanly what they are not doing. In 1990 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published Envi- ronmental Equity: Reducing Risks for All Communities, (Easton, T. 2008)a repost that acknowledged the need to pay attention to many of the concerns raised by environmental justice activists. At the 1992 United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, a set of principles of Environmental Justice was widely dis- cussed. In 1993 the EPA opened an Office of Environmental Equity (now the Office of Environmental Justice) with plans for cleaning up sites in several poor communities. In February 1994 President Bill Clinton made environ- mental justice a national priority with an executive order. Since then, many complaints of environmental discrimination have been filed with the EPA under Title VI of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964; and in March 1998 the EPA issued guidelines for investigating those complaints. : However, in April 2001 the U. S. Supreme Court ruled that individuals cannot sue states by charging that federally funded policies unintentionally violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In 2009 the EPA administered the Recovery act( Recovery Act, 2009) The Recovery Act provides $7. 22 billion for specific programs administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Program-Specific Recovery Act Plans accompany thisdocument and represent the heart of EPA’s contribution to the nation’s economic stimulus. The six Program Plans are: Clean water revolving fund recovery act plan:Investing in construction of water quality protection and wastewater treatment infrastructure. , Drinking water state revoling fund recovery act plan: Ensuring clean drinking water, Brownfields Recovery Act plan : Cleaning up former industrial sites for newcommercial or community use, and training and placing persons in environmental careers. Superfund Recovery Act:Cleaning up uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. Clean diesel: Supporting the use, development, and commercialization of strategies to reduce diesel emissions. The EPA may be on to something but its not having an effect on everyone. There are still hazardous waste, unclean water and many many things that are not accomplished. For example we have people to come pick our trash up but no one to pick up our recycable, so why make that extra trip when we can just throw everything in with the trash. This is what I think apart of the EPAs jobs they should make these kind of things more assessable for people. I think this would make people want to contribute more. The Epa also has been on board of the clean air act Prior to 1990, the Clean Air Act required EPA to set standards for each toxic air pollutant individually, (Environmental Protection Agency,2007) based on its particular health risks. This approach proved difficult and minimally effective at reducing emissions. As a result, when amending the Clean Air Act in 1990, Congress directed EPA to use a technology-based and performance-based approach to significantly reduce emissions of air toxics from major sources of air pollution, followed by a risk-based approach to address any remaining, or residual, risks. Under the technology-based approach, EPA develops standards for controlling the routine emissions of air toxics from each major type of facility within an industry group or source category. These standards known as maximum achievable control technology (MACT) standards are based on emissions levels that are already being achieved by the better-controlled and lower-emitting sources in an industry. This approach assures citizens nationwide that each major source of toxic air pollution will be required to employ effective measures to limit its emissions. Also, this approach provides a level economic playing field by ensuring that facilities that employ cleaner processes and good emission controls are not disadvantaged relative to competitors with poorer controls. So far sould like the EPA is doing a job but what are some of the problems the EPA is not paying closer acattention to and are these problems effecting our enviroment? A hudge problem is that of monitoring and enforcement of the nations environmental regulations. This could mean many things for example a company is not being monitored for how much toxons that are being put into the air. Restuccia, A. 2011)The Environmental Protection Agency is not doing a good enough job monitoring the potential public health hazards associated with a controversial natural gas drilling process known as hydraulic fracturing, or â€Å"fracking. Fracking in which water, sand and chemicals are injected into the ground to release valuable natural gas deposits – is a major drilling techni que for accessing the country’s massive shale gas reserves. But environmentalists have long raised concerns that the process pollutes drinking water and harms the enviroment. EPA is in the process of conducting a study on the health effects of fracking. But a recent invertigative series by the new york time found that fracking wastewater has been released into waterways withoutbeing teated for radioactive isotopes. The investigation also found that federal scientists concerns about fracking have been removed from key EPA documents on the issue. This is unacceptable, anything that could have a effect on human health needs attention. By the EPA doing this they are not doing their job. These toxions the EPA has resting in their hands even involve the food we eat (Resnik,B. D Portier. C. 2005) . Faced with higafety standards for a variety of chemicals, some pesticide companies decided to conduct experiments on human subjects to produce data that they hoped would convince the U. S. EPA to lower the interspecies safety factor. From 1996 to 2004, the U. S. EPA received 20 studies from private companies providing human dosing data on pesticide toxicity. However, a Law that was intended to provide additional safety protection for children had the unintended effect of encouraging some companies to test toxic compounds on human beings to avoid the regulatory impact of the law. So not only were these people testing on other humans they were putting toxions in the air. There are many strategies we are now using to help with minimizing toxic effects (Cunningham Cunningham, 2008) A fundamental concept in toxicology is that every material can be poisonous under some conditions, but most chemicals have a safe level or threshold below which their effects are undetectable or insignificant. Each of us consumes lethal doses of many chemicals. over the course of a lifetime. One hundred cups of strong coffee, for instance, contain a lethal dose of caffeine. Similarly, 100 aspi- rin tablets, 10 kg (22 lbs) of spinach or rhubarb, or a liter of alco- hol would be deadly if consumed all at once. Taken in small doses, however, most toxins can be broken down or excreted before they do much harm. Furthermore, the damage they cause can be repaired. Sometimes, however, mechanisms that protect us from one type of toxin or at one stage in the life cycle become deleteri- ous with another substance or in another stage of development. Let’s look at how these processes help protect us from harmful substances, as well as how they can go awry. With most things there is going to be a reaction. Most things put off some type of toxon. Being that most of them are at a human level of saftey does not mean we should be careless. While the EPA seems to be doing their job, seems that they are missing some big issues that need to be address. I still think that taking care of our enviroment is a big job and it should be everyones job. I think that the job of the EPA is to try to stay on top of making sure that if people are not doing things they should not be doing when it comes to our enviroment they should be punished. People that do not go by the guidelines for the EPA should be punished and not just a slap on the hand. This is not a game everytime these companies produce more toxions then they should or dump waste into waters. It is not just effecting one person. This type of behavior effects everyone but it still seems whenever money is involved anything goes. This could be how people are getting away with doing these acts and nothing is being done. We have to face that when money in envolved many things get passed and this very well could be happening because a lot of these companies could be making millions even billions. It would be nothing for the EPA to get paid off to keep out of EPA reports. Its really a shame that money has become even more important then protecting the enviroment. Resources Easton, T. (2008) Taking sides: Clashing views on controversial envirmental issues. (Custon 13th(. New York: McGraw-Hill Environmental Protection Agency(2007) Taken Toxics out of the air. http://epa. gov/air/oaqps/takingtoxics/p1. html Restuccia, A. (2011) EPA not doing good enough job monitoring. http://thehill. com/blogs/e2-wire/677-e2-wire/147701-house-democrat-epa-not-doing-a-good-enough-job-monitoring-fracking Resnik,B. D. Portier. C. (2005) Pesticides Testing on Human subjects. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC1257640/ Cunningham, W. P. , Cunningham, M. A. (2009). Questions for baloney detection. In Principles of enviromental science.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Heart Rot Tree Diseaseâ€Prevention and Control

Heart Rot Tree Disease- Prevention and Control In trees, heart rot is caused by a fungal disease that causes the center of the trunk and branches to decay. The most obvious symptom is the presence of mushrooms or fungal growths, called conks, on the surface of the trunk or limbs. Most hardwood species can be afflicted with heart rot, and it can be a major problem for the logging and lumber industry since the center heartwood is the most valuable wood in a hardwood tree.   Causes of Heart Rot in Trees Heart rot in living trees can be caused by many different fungal agents and pathogens that can enter the tree through open wounds and exposed inner bark wood to infiltrate the center core of the tree- the heartwood. Heartwood  makes up most of a trees inner wood and support structure, so over time, this rot can cause the tree to fail and collapse. Heartwood cells have some resistance to decay but depend  on a barrier of protection from the bark and outside living tissue. Heart rot can occur in many hardwoods and other deciduous species but is especially common in oaks infected with the  I. dryophilus  and  P. everhartii decay fungi.  All deciduous trees can get heart rot,  while resinous conifers have some extra resistance. More on Heartwood It should be noted that heartwood is genetically programmed to spontaneously separate from living wood tissues that surround it.  Once heartwood formation has begun to lay down annual layers and increase in volume, the heartwood quickly becomes the largest part of the trees structure by volume.  When that living barrier of protection surrounding the heartwood fails, the resulting disease in the heartwood causes it to soften. It quickly becomes structurally weaker and prone to breakage. A mature tree that has a large volume of heartwood is more at risk than a young tree, simply because its heartwood constitutes more of its structure.   Symptoms of Heart Rot Usually, a conk or mushrooming fruiting body on the surface of the tree is the first sign at the site of infection.  A useful rule of thumb suggests that a cubic foot of inner heartwood wood has decayed for each conk produced- there is a lot of bad wood behind that mushroom, in other words. Fortunately, though, heart rot fungi do not invade living wood of healthy trees. Other than the resulting structural weakness heart rot creates, a tree can otherwise look quite healthy even though it is riddled with heart rot.   Economic Costs Heart rot is a major factor influencing the  economics of logging high-value lumber, although it is a natural  consequence in many older forests. The heartwood of tree is where the valuable lumber exists, and a badly rotten tree is of no value to the timber industry. A hardwood tree that lives long enough will likely deal with heart rot at some point, since it is a natural part of the trees life cycle, especially in native forests. A very old tree will almost certainly suffer storm damage at some point that will allow fungi to enter and begin the process of heart rot. In some cases, entire forests may be at risk if, for example, a catastrophic storm has caused major damage at some time in the past. The fungi spread very slowly within a tree, so it may be many years after the initial fungal infection that serious weakness becomes evident.   Heart rot is prevalent throughout the world, and it affects all  hardwood  trees. It can be very hard to prevent and control, although a tree that is carefully monitored over its entire lifetime may avoid it.   Prevention and Control of Heart Rot As long as a tree is growing vigorously, rot will be confined to a small central core within the tree. This behavior is called tree wood compartmentalization. But if the tree is weakened and fresh wood exposed by severe pruning or storm damage, decay fungi can advance into more and more of the trees heartwood. There is no economically feasible fungicide to use on a tree that hosts the heart rot fungi. The best way to prevent heart rot in your hardwood tree is to keep it healthy using proper management techniques: Minimize pruning wounds that expose large areas of wood.Shape trees at an early age so major branch removal will not be necessary later.Remove broken branch stubs following storm damage.Have trees you suspect of heart rot checked by an arborist to determine if sufficient live wood is present for structural safety.Check trees every few years to be certain new growth is maintaining a  sound structure. Large trunks and main branches with extensive decay may have little sound wood to support the tree.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Self-Introductory Speech ( My wedding) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Self-Introductory Speech ( My wedding) - Essay Example Later in the evening, my female relatives and friends were invited over for dinner during which my husband would see my face for the first time in front of them. The wedding finally took place in the summer on 11th June 2014. We were still in the US at the time, so all the wedding arrangements were made by my family. On the wedding day, Ali went to the barbershop during which he would bond with his male counterparts. There was lunch at the farm for our family and friends as we waited for the actual feast in the evening. In my case, a day prior to the wedding, as Muslim custom dictates, my female friends and high would bond while we put henna on our hands and feet. I woke up very excited on the wedding day, put on my white dress and went to the wedding venue to wait for my husband. The parties were held separately, and I felt overwhelmed with all the love and support I received from my friends and family congratulating me for my wedding and expressing their happiness. Later in the evening, the groom’s party finally joined us, and the festivities continued up to 3 a.m. with people mingling, dancing, taking photos and feasting in the var iety of food. The wedding day is then followed by the Subahia, a small party is held in which the bride and the groom receive gifts from their family, friends and relatives. I believe that my wedding day was one of the most memorable moments in my life, and not just on that particular day but the entire process from the engagement. I hope to base the foundation of my marriage with love and loyalty, and that it always remains one filled with warmth and understanding. Everything turned out to be a success given the support I got from my family and friends on this special

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

In what respects is Pluto more like a moon than a Jovian or Essay

In what respects is Pluto more like a moon than a Jovian or terrestrial planet - Essay Example Since Pluto is a small ice chunk, it does not quite settle into these two categories and is more similar to a satellite or moon (Weintraub 45). One of the criteria for any object to be categorized as a real planet is that it must have â€Å"cleared the neighborhood around its orbit." The mass of Earth is approximately 1.7 million times higher than the mass of all other objects within its orbit. Unfortunately, the mass of Pluto is only 0.07 times higher than the mass of its other orbiting objects. Consequently, in 2006 Pluto was officially relegated to a ‘dwarf planet’ (Weintraub 98). More objective minds have lately decided to remove Pluto from the list of planets surrounding the sun. There are some objects that are larger than the Pluto that would qualify to be included to the list of planets if really Pluto was deliberated a planet (Weintraub

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Essay Example for Free

Omar Rodriguez-Lopez Essay When I say Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, what comes to mind? To most of you new age listeners, absolutely nothing, just Spanish guy name, but to all of you in touch musical geniuses, only one word clouds your brain. Volta. The mars Volta is an Avant garde progressive rock group, who at times may not make sense with words, but completely and utterly make up for it with insane riffs, original scales and crazy drum segments. Omar is the guitarist and founder of the mars Volta; he is also the main song writer. Omar has incorporated guitar into his world and career ever since he was twelve year old, starting off with a bass. When he turned fifteen, he claimed he â€Å"needed more strings† and switched to a guitar, this decision changed his life forever. Omar was born on September first 1975 in Puerto Rico, although he grew up in El Paso Texas, and spent much time in South California. He attended high school in El Paso at Coronado where he met his future band mates. In my eyes, Omar is a musical genius; I mean have you ever listened to l’via l’viaquez? Boom, starts off straight with pure riff, of course the Spanish lyrics add to the awesomeness of it, but this guy is a genius. His music never gets boring, ten minute long songs, anthems if you will, they’re long, but not too long, never repeat a scale or rhythm, but you can still hum the chorus, perfect? I think so. Once Omar realized he was an artist, he did more than just play in a band and write music, he decided to write films, including music for the soundtracks. His first film was called the sentimental engine slayer, which was played in numerous theatres, he was good at this indeed, but his true calling obviously lies in the world of fret boards and fender amps. Omar is actually a big fan of Ibanez guitars, his first two were custom, then Ibanez decided to make him his own, which is available for purchase. Omar lives a low radar life, and loves it. He is inspiring to many, including me, the ways he incorporates and uses guitar in his life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Sade animates Newtonian virtue :: French Literature Papers

Sade animates Newtonian virtue Sade integrated 18th century French materialism into his work at a such an elemental level that it is no exaggeration to say, as we will show here, that his pornography dramatises it directly. I will further argue that there is a strongly moral tone to his materialism : that characters are expected to practise what they preach, and to believe in their value system. The last part of my paper will look at how the opposing value system, Christianity, is satirised through the figure of Justine and that of the passive victims in general. Sade was an atheist, a Lockean sensationist and a materialist; he avidly read Diderot and d’Alembert’s Encyclopà ©die and the writings of the philosophes d’Holbach, Robinet, Condillac, La Mettrie and Buffon. He littered his works with references both tacit and explicit to the philosophes and passionately espoused what he saw as their cause. Their thinking was crucial to the construction of his own Å“uvre, and as he commented himself on his writing practice, â€Å"que veux-tu qu’on fasse sans livres ? Il faut en à ªtre entourà © pour travailler, sinon on ne peut faire que des contes de fà ©es, et je n’ai pas cet esprit-là  .† [what am I supposed to do without books ? You have to be surrounded with them to work, otherwise you can only do fairy-stories, and I’m not that way inclined]. I hope to show here just how close his own work was to the materialism of the philosophes. The Encyclopà ©die itself advocated a close expository relationship between science and literature. The article â€Å"Lettres† explains that: â€Å"†¦ les lettres et les sciences proprement dites, ont entr’elles l’enchainement, les liaisons, et les rapports les plus etroits; c’est dans l’Encyclopà ©die qu’il importe de le demontrer.† [literature and science are linked by the closest contact and relationship; it is up to the Encyclopà ©die to show that this is the case]. This assertion is of course based on the belief that science and literature are or should be about the same thing, that is to say, they are about life and nature. Life and nature, in the Encyclopà ©die, mean matter in all its various forms. Matter was defined by the Encyclopà ©die as a â€Å"substance à ©tendue, solide, divisible, mobile et passible, le premier principe de